Our story

From grassroots to the lifecycle of property. A journey spanning over 26 years.
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Matt Pete x
Matt Pete x
Our Why

Building better lives, one home at a time.


Our vision is to leave a mark of positive change on the world, always remembering who Classic is and why we are here.
Continuously growing, innovating, and diversifying is what defines Classic Group. Our learnings and experience operating in a cyclic industry – where supply and demand is governed by unpredictable economic, demographic, and social factors – has fostered a strategic and resourceful way of thinking across the Group.

Classic Property Print  Web
Our vision
Our vision is property made simple. We want to make it easier for you to build your future.
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One Team
One Team
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Our Values
We put people at the heart of everything we do. They are our motivation to strive beyond today, never losing sight of our purpose to build a better life for people, every day.
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One Team
One Team
Our Values
One team
We trust and empower each other to make the right decisions, working collaboratively and at pace. We’re all about creating a community where people look after each other.
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Our Values
We are tenacious, challenging the now and doing things differently to create a better future for people. Our culture breeds agility, innovation, continuous improvement to stay ahead of the game.
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Our Values
With a customer mindset, we aim to make a difference by continuously going above and beyond, turning ordinary into extraordinary for our clients and partners.
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 Wai Huri Place
 Wai Huri Place
    [body_copy] => Everyone throughout the build process was incredibly helpful and dedicated to providing a quality service. Incredibly happy customer. Will definitely look to build with Classic again in the future.
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Bill Millar Showhome Web
Bill Millar Showhome Web
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GrowHome  Flack Print
GrowHome  Flack Print
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Classic Builders June
Classic Builders June
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“I was overseas throughout varying stages of my build, but regular email updates from the project manager gave me complete peace of mind from a distance.”
Investor, Tauranga
“Everyone throughout the build process was incredibly helpful and dedicated to providing a quality service. Incredibly happy customer. Will definitely look to build with Classic again in the future.”
“Great service from a great consultant”
“Good communication, very understanding team, and excellent final product.”
“I’ve built five houses with Classic Builders; one is our family home and the rest are rental investments. I believe you can always tell a Classic home because of its sharp finish.”
“Find the right company to build with! It was exciting going to the site every week and seeing the changes. You often see sites sitting there for months with no progress, but not with Classic!”
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